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Showing posts from August, 2020
 After surviving through market & financial crises due to Coronavirus pandemic, international & domestic market has started reviving. Hats off to all our industrial & business partners for their business strategies to make them survive through these critical times. There are many projects that are getting revived/continued which got hampered by this pandemic. With this, we expect to start rolling the giant economic wheel of the entire world. However, this is not in one's hand, and for which joint efforts are the only option. We indeed want to part of this joint collaboration with our tiny hands. We assure our clients our presence to support you for their engineering design requirements. As the time demands a new way of doing business, we are quite flexible to adopt a new strategy to support our clients. Our business model of "Term Contracts" is one of the ways to respond to challenging times. Please visit & write to us at askme@appchemen